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Ecology and Conservation

Wellbeing, Inclusion, and Culture

The Centre for Ecology & Conservation is dedicated to fostering a thriving, diverse, and globally engaged community for all staff, students, and visitors. This aligns with our institutional Strategy 2030.

Our inclusive and collaborative academic community values individuals as vital contributors to the success of the Department, University, and themselves. Visitors often note the ‘energy’ and ‘buzz’ of our department and campus, and we strive to ensure that this vibrant atmosphere is accessible to all. Our commitment extends to ensuring that all students, researchers, and educators have equal opportunities for personal and career development, irrespective of their background.

We recognise imbalance in the representation of protected characteristics in our department’s structure and governance, and we work hard to address this. Nevertheless, we are proud of the achievements we have made towards our aims, such as the Athena Swan Silver Award for gender equality in Higher Education, and we are working towards charter status for Ethnicity and Neurodiversity.

Wellbeing and inclusion sit at the heart of our department's decision making processes, linking with The University of Exeter’s Strategy 2030. Central to our efforts is the Wellbeing, Inclusion, and Culture Committee (WICC), drawing members from diverse sections of the Centre for Ecology & Conservation's community, with chairs that are members of the department’s management committee. The WICC serves as a driving force for change, leveraging its collective perspectives and experiences to identify focus areas, implement initiatives and use positive action to make sure learning and career opportunities are available to everyone.

The WICC’s initiatives may be related to protected characteristics, such as race and ethnicity, disability, LGBTQI+, gender, or may include broader initiatives under the remit of the University of Exeter’s WICC. We also have networks at multiple levels to offer support, including personal tutors for undergraduates, pastoral tutors for postgraduate researchers, and personal mentors for staff, plus trained Speak Out Guardians and Dignity and Respect Advisors available to all.

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