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Ecology and Conservation

Dr Bethan O'Leary

Dr Bethan O'Leary

Research Fellow, College of Life & Environmental Sciences

 Stella Turk Building 


University of Exeter, Penryn Campus, Penryn, TR10 9FE



PhD Environmental Science, University of York (2012)
MSc Marine Environmental Management, University of York (2008)
BSc Geography, University of Southampton (2007)

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Journal articles

Pérez G, O'Leary BC, Allegri E, Casal G, Cornet CC, de Juan S, Failler P, Fredriksen S, Fonseca C, Furlan E, et al (2024). A conceptual framework to help choose appropriate blue nature-based solutions. J Environ Manage, 352 Abstract.  Author URL.
Yates KL, Copping JP, Tweddle JF, O'Leary BC (2024). Benefits and barriers for researcher-practitioner collaboration on marine and coastal management issues. Environmental Science and Policy, 155 Abstract.
Trégarot E, D'Olivo JP, Botelho AZ, Cabrito A, Cardoso GO, Casal G, Cornet CC, Cragg SM, Degia AK, Fredriksen S, et al (2024). Effects of climate change on marine coastal ecosystems – a review to guide research and management. Biological Conservation, 289 Abstract.
O’Leary BC, Wood LE, Cornet C, Roberts CM, Fonseca C (2024). Practitioner insights on challenges and options for advancing blue Nature-based Solutions. Marine Policy, 163, 106104-106104.
Furlan E, Allegri E, Simeoni C, Simide R, Perez G, O'Leary B, Fonseca C, Critto A, Marcomini A (2023). A multi-stage analytical framework for the integration of Nature-based Solutions into climate risk management and adaptation.
Martin AH, Scheffold MIE, O‘Leary BC (2023). Changing the narrative and perspective surrounding marine fish. Marine Policy, 156
O'Leary BC, Fonseca C, Cornet CC, de Vries MB, Degia AK, Failler P, Furlan E, Garrabou J, Gil A, Hawkins JP, et al (2023). Embracing Nature-based Solutions to promote resilient marine and coastal ecosystems. Nature-Based Solutions, 3, 100044-100044.
Kemp PS, Subbiah G, Barnes R, Boerder K, O’Leary BC, Stewart BD, Williams C (2023). Future advances in UK marine fisheries policy: Integrated nexus management, technological advance, and shifting public opinion. Marine Policy, 147, 105335-105335.
Boon JS, Vaudin G, Millward‐Hopkins H, O'Leary BC, McClean CJ, Stewart BD (2023). Shifts in the size and distribution of marine trophy fishing world records. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 34(1). Abstract.
Fonseca C, Wood LE, Andriamahefazafy M, Casal G, Chaigneau T, Cornet CC, Degia AK, Failler P, Ferraro G, Furlan E, et al (2023). Survey data of public awareness on climate change and the value of marine and coastal ecosystems. Data in Brief, 47
Kemp PS, Subbiah G, Barnes R, Boerder K, O’Leary BC, Stewart BD, Williams C (2023). The future of marine fisheries management and conservation in the United Kingdom: Lessons learnt from over 100 years of biased policy. Marine Policy, 147, 105075-105075.
Rogers AD, Appeltans W, Assis J, Ballance LT, Cury P, Duarte C, Favoretto F, Hynes LA, Kumagai JA, Lovelock CE, et al (2022). Discovering marine biodiversity in the 21st century. , 93, 23-115.
Pullin AS, Cheng SH, Jackson JD, Eales J, Envall I, Fada SJ, Frampton GK, Harper M, Kadykalo AN, Kohl C, et al (2022). Standards of conduct and reporting in evidence syntheses that could inform environmental policy and management decisions. ENVIRONMENTAL EVIDENCE, 11(1).  Author URL.
O’Leary BC, Copping JP, Mukherjee N, Dorning SL, Stewart BD, McKinley E, Addison PFE, Williams C, Carpenter G, Righton D, et al (2021). The nature and extent of evidence on methodologies for monitoring and evaluating marine spatial management measures in the UK and similar coastal waters: a systematic map. Environmental Evidence, 10(1). Abstract.
Roberts CM, O'Leary BC, Hawkins JP (2020). Climate change mitigation and nature conservation both require higher protected area targets. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 375(1794). Abstract.
Stewart BD, Howarth LM, Wood H, Whiteside K, Carney W, Crimmins E, O'Leary BC, Hawkins JP, Roberts CM (2020). Marine Conservation Begins at Home: How a Local Community and Protection of a Small Bay Sent Waves of Change Around the UK and Beyond. FRONTIERS IN MARINE SCIENCE, 7  Author URL.
O'Leary BC, Hoppit G, Townley A, Allen HL, McIntyre CJ, Roberts CM (2020). Options for managing human threats to high seas biodiversity. Ocean & Coastal Management, 187, 105110-105110.
Konno K, Cheng SH, Eales J, Frampton G, Kohl C, Livoreil B, Macura B, O'Leary BC, Randall NP, Taylor JJ, et al (2020). The CEEDER database of evidence reviews: an open-access evidence service for researchers and decision-makers. Environmental Science and Policy, 114, 256-262. Abstract.
O’Leary BC, Fieldhouse P, McClean CJ, Ford AES, Burns P, Hawkins JP, Roberts CM (2019). Evidence gaps and biodiversity threats facing the marine environment of the United Kingdom’s Overseas Territories. Biodiversity and Conservation, 28(2), 363-383. Abstract.
Tittensor DP, Beger M, Boerder K, Boyce DG, Cavanagh RD, Cosandey-Godin A, Crespo GO, Dunn DC, Ghiffary W, Grant SM, et al (2019). Integrating climate adaptation and biodiversity conservation in the global ocean. Science Advances, 5(11). Abstract.
Stewart BD, Burns C, Hejnowicz AP, Gravey V, O’Leary BC, Hicks K, Farstad FM, Hartley SE (2019). Making Brexit work for the environment and livelihoods: Delivering a stakeholder informed vision for agriculture and fisheries. People and Nature, 1(4), 442-456. Abstract.
O’Leary BC, Stewart BD, McKinley E, Addison PFE, Williams C, Carpenter G, Righton D, Yates KL (2019). What is the nature and extent of evidence on methodologies for monitoring and evaluating marine spatial management measures in UK and similar coastal waters? a systematic map protocol. Environmental Evidence, 8(1). Abstract.
O'Leary BC, Ban NC, Fernandez M, Friedlander AM, García-Borboroglu P, Golbuu Y, Guidetti P, Harris JM, Hawkins JP, Langlois T, et al (2018). Addressing Criticisms of Large-Scale Marine Protected Areas. BioScience, 68(5), 359-370. Abstract.
O'Leary BC, Roberts CM (2018). Ecological connectivity across ocean depths: Implications for protected area design. Global Ecology and Conservation, 15, e00431-e00431.
Williams C, Carpenter G, Clark R, O’Leary BC (2018). Who gets to fish for sea bass? Using social, economic, and environmental criteria to determine access to the English sea bass fishery. Marine Policy, 95, 199-208.
O’Leary BC, Woodcock P, Kaiser MJ, Pullin AS (2017). Evidence maps and evidence gaps: evidence review mapping as a method for collating and appraising evidence reviews to inform research and policy. Environmental Evidence, 6(1).
Roberts CM, O'Leary BC, McCauley DJ, Cury PM, Duarte CM, Lubchenco J, Pauly D, Sáenz-Arroyo A, Sumaila UR, Wilson RW, et al (2017). Marine reserves can mitigate and promote adaptation to climate change. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 114(24), 6167-6175. Abstract.  Author URL.
O'Leary BC, Winther-Janson M, Bainbridge JM, Aitken J, Hawkins JP, Roberts CM (2017). Reply to White et al.: Providing Perspective on Ocean Conservation Targets. Conservation Letters, 10(3), 375-376. Abstract.
O'Leary BC, Roberts CM (2017). The Structuring Role of Marine Life in Open Ocean Habitat: Importance to International Policy. Frontiers in Marine Science, 4
O'Leary BC, Winther-Janson M, Bainbridge JM, Aitken J, Hawkins JP, Roberts CM (2016). Effective Coverage Targets for Ocean Protection. Conservation Letters, 9(6), 398-404. Abstract.
Carpenter G, Villasante S, O'Leary BC (2016). Keep allowable fish catches sustainable. Nature, 531(7595), 448-448.
Carpenter G, Kleinjans R, Villasante S, O’Leary BC (2016). Landing the blame: the influence of EU Member States on quota setting. Marine Policy, 64, 9-15.
Hawkins JP, O'Leary BC, Bassett N, Peters H, Rakowski S, Reeve G, Roberts CM (2016). Public awareness and attitudes towards marine protection in the United Kingdom. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 111(1-2), 231-236. Abstract.
Peters H, O'Leary BC, Hawkins JP, Roberts CM (2016). The cone snails of Cape Verde: Marine endemism at a terrestrial scale. Global Ecology and Conservation, 7, 201-213. Abstract.
O’Leary BC, Kvist K, Bayliss HR, Derroire G, Healey JR, Hughes K, Kleinschroth F, Sciberras M, Woodcock P, Pullin AS, et al (2016). The reliability of evidence review methodology in environmental science and conservation. Environmental Science & Policy, 64, 75-82.
Woodcock P, O'Leary BC, Kaiser MJ, Pullin AS (2016). Your evidence or mine? Systematic evaluation of reviews of marine protected area effectiveness. Fish and Fisheries, 18(4), 668-681. Abstract.
O’Leary BC, Bayliss HR, Haddaway NR (2015). Beyond PRISMA: Systematic reviews to inform marine science and policy. Marine Policy, 62, 261-263.
Peters H, O'Leary BC, Hawkins JP, Roberts CM (2015). Identifying species at extinction risk using global models of anthropogenic impact. Global Change Biology, 21(2), 618-628. Abstract.
Richards K, O'Leary BC, Roberts CM, Ormond R, Gore M, Hawkins JP (2015). Sharks and people: Insight into the global practices of tourism operators and their attitudes to Shark behaviour. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 91(1), 200-210. Abstract.
Mangano MC, O’Leary BC, Mirto S, Mazzola A, Sarà G (2015). The comparative biological effects of spatial management measures in protecting marine biodiversity: a systematic review protocol. Environmental Evidence, 4(1).
Peters H, O'Leary BC, Hawkins JP, Carpenter KE, Roberts CM (2013). Conus: First comprehensive conservation red list assessment of a marine gastropod mollusc genus. PLoS ONE, 8(12). Abstract.
O'Leary BC, Smart JCR, Neale FC, Hawkins JP, Newman S, Milman AC, Datta S, Roberts CM (2012). Response to Cook et al. comment on " Fisheries Mismanagement". Marine Pollution Bulletin, 64(10), 2267-2271.
O'Leary BC, Brown RL, Johnson DE, von Nordheim H, Ardron J, Packeiser T, Roberts CM (2012). The first network of marine protected areas (MPAs) in the high seas: the process, the challenges and where next. Marine Policy, 36(3), 598-605.
O'Leary BC, Smart JCR, Neale FC, Hawkins JP, Newman S, Milman AC, Roberts CM (2011). Fisheries mismanagement. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 62(12), 2642-2648. Abstract.
O'Leary BC, Roberts C (2011). Fishery reform: ban political haggling. Nature, 475(7357), 454-454.


Rogers AD, Aburto-Oropeza O, Appeltans W, Assis J, Ballance LT, Cury P, Duarte C, Favoretto F, Kumagai J, Lovelock C, et al (2023). Critical Habitats and Biodiversity: Inventory, Thresholds and Governance. In  (Ed) The Blue Compendium, Springer Nature, 333-392.
Thurstan RH, Yates KL, O’Leary BC (2017). Compatibility of offshore energy installations with marine protected areas. In  (Ed) Offshore Energy and Marine Spatial Planning, 214-230. Abstract.

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