Office hours
My office hours this term are:
- Monday 12:30-13:30
- Tuesday 9-10am
Dr Kelly Moyes
Associate Professor
Ecology and Conservation
University of Exeter
Stella Turk Building
Penryn Campus
Penryn TR10 9FE
About me:
My research and professional career has focused on British ecology, conservation and natural history. My early career found me living and working on the Isle of Rum in Scotland studying the population ecology of red deer. During three years as an ecological consultant I provided advice to landowners, developers and planners on the ecological impacts of developments and I continue to maintain a keen interest in the issues surrounding British conservation. I have also studied badgers in Cornwall, examining the mechanisms for contact with cattle to understand how bovine tuberculosis is transmitted between the species.
My office hours this term are:
- Monday 12:30-13:30
- Tuesday 9-10am
2007: PhD University of Kent and Imperial College (Silwood Park)
2001: BSc University of Reading
2017: Senior Lecturer, Centre for Ecology & Conservation, University of Exeter
2014-2017: Lecturer, Centre for Ecology & Conservation, University of Exeter
2012-2014: Post-doctoral Research Assistant, Badger Cattle Contact Project, Institute of Zoology
2009-2012: Senior Ecologist, Wild Frontier Ecology, Norfolk
2007-2009: Post-doctoral Research Associate, Large Animal Research Group, University of Cambridge