Jenny Grigg
Postgraduate Researcher
Ecology and Conservation
University of Exeter
Environment and Sustainability Institute
Penryn Campus
Penryn TR10 9FE
About me:
I am a PhD student working in the University of Exeter’s Environment and Sustainability Institute, under the supervision of Dr Richard Sherley, Dr Stephen Votier, Professor Dave Hodgson and Dr Alison Cotton. My research focuses on understanding the causes and consequences of dispersal and recruitment in juvenile and immature African penguins (Spheniscus demersus). As part of this project I am working in collaboration with the Bristol Zoological Society, and a number of partners in South Africa.
My previous research includes work to investigate the effects of experimental fishing closures on African penguin reproductive success and foraging behavior, using camera trap networks to record penguin foraging behavior remotely, and investigating the impacts of egg size on chick growth and survival. For the past four years I have also led volunteer research expeditions as part of a long-term project to monitor African penguins on Robben Island, South Africa.
My other experience includes working in a seabird rehabilitation centre where I hand-reared seabird chicks as part of the Chick Bolstering Project, and most recently working at the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) to co-ordinate EU Exit project work for food and drink policy.
My broad research interests include understanding how extrinsic and intrinsic factors drive seabird behaviour and the subsequent impact on demographic parameters. Subsequently, how this knowledge can be used to inform effective conservation strategies. I am also interested in how technology can be utilized to improve our understanding of seabird behavior and demography, and reduce the impact of monitoring on the study population.
Sherley RB, Barham BJ, Barham PJ, Campbell KJ, Crawford RJM, Grigg J, Horswill C, McInnes A, Morris TL, Pichegru L, Steinfurth A, Weller F, Winker H and Votier SC. 2018. Bayesian inference reveals positive but subtle effects of experimental fishery closures on marine predator demographics. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 286: 20172443.
2016 MSc by Research in Biological Sciences, University of Bristol
2013 BSc (Hons) (1st Class) Animal Science (Behaviour and Welfare), University of Plymouth