Dr Eva Jimenez-Guri
Research Fellow
Ecology and Conservation
Stella Turk Building
Penryn Campus
Penryn TR10 9FE
I am an Evolutionary and Ecological Developmental biologist interested in understanding the effect that plastic contamination can have on embryo development in the marine environment. I look at the developmental abnormalities derived from this contamination from a morphological and molecular perspective, to understand how this is affecting the survival and fitness of marine organisms.
Member of research group(s):Qualifications:
1998 BSc Biology, University of Barcelona
2003 PhD Genetics, University of Barcelona
2021-present Marie-Skodowska Curie Fellow, Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, Italy and Associate Honorary Lecturer, University of Exeter
2017- 2021 Post-doctoral Researcher, University of Exeter
2010-2016 Post-doctoral Researcher, Center for Genomic Regulation
2007-2010 Beatriu de Pinos Post-doctoral Researcher, University Pompeu Fabra
2003-2007 BBSRC Post-doctoral Researcher, University of Oxford