Office hours
Monday 10-11
Monday 3-4
Professor Angus Buckling
Associate Pro-Vice Chancellor for Research & Impact
Ecology and Conservation
Daphne du Maurier Building
Penryn Campus
Penryn TR10 9FE
I am currently joint (along with Saeema Ahmed-Kristensen) Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Research and Impact. I am also Deputy Head of Department, Ecology & Conservation.
I work on the evolutionary ecology of microbes, primarily by studying evolution and ecology in real time in controlled environments. I am particualry interested in the evolution and ecology of biotic interactions: microbial cooperation, microbial communities, bacteria and bacteriophage and plasmids. Our work uses general ecology and evolutionary theory to inform our understanding of microbes, and then using these insights for practical benefits (e.g. using microbes to gnerate low carbon enery and combatting antimicrobial resistance).
1998 PhD Edinburgh
1995 BSc(hons) Psychology/Zoology University of Bristol
1998-2001: Postdoctoral RA, Plant Sciences, University of Oxford
2001-2004: Royal Society URF, Biology & Bicohemistry, University of Bath
2004-2009: Royal Society URF, Zoology, University of Oxford
2007-2010: Tutorial Fellow in Zoology, Magdalen College, Oxford.
2009-2010: University Lecturer, Zoology, University of Oxford
2011- present: Professor, Ecology & conservation, University of Exeter Cornwall Campus